Category: Art Projects

Craft Project for Haiti

We were looking for fun yarn projects to take to Haiti next month, and happily found this technique to make a rounded braid. It looks a lot more complicated to make than it actually is, which is the best kind of craft to find.


1. Trace any cup to make a circle about 3.5″ wide on lightweight cardboard (cereal boxes work great). A little larger or smaller circle will work too.


2. Draw four lines to divide the circle into 8 equal sections. Super precise measurements are not necessary, eyeball guesses will be OK.


3. Cut eight notches out of the circle and add slits. Cut the center hole with a small scissors.


4. Cut 7 equal sections of yarn, about 18″ long. If you start with anything longer, the yarn tends to tangle up. Tie one end with a knot.


5. Place the knot in the hole and slide all 7 ends into slots as shown. One will be empty. Align as shown above so that the empty is at the 12:00 position.


6. Take the 4:00 yarn out of its slot.


7. Insert the yarn into the 12:00 slot.


8. Rotate the cardboard to the left so that the empty slot now sets at the 12:00 position. Repeat so that the 4:00 yarn is always moving to the empty 12:00. Always rotate the cardboard to the left and repeat, keeping the yarns taut for a neat braid.


9.  As rotations are made, a braid will start to form underneath.


10. When the yarn is all used up, tie the end off and enjoy your braided cord!

Host a Haitian Artist – Summer 2013

“Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art…” – Maya Angelou


Our three friends: Racine, Claudel and Romel are coming for a visit to San Francisco this August and September. They have worked with Project HOPE Art for the last two years. Read all about their interests, art and life in Haiti, here.
It is our hope to slowly pass along our Art Center in Haiti over to these three artists, so they may continue our mission of art + science training for children in disadvantaged communities.

Through this visit to United States, our visiting artists will learn the systems and infrastructure necessary to run an art center full time. They will be exposed to all manner of creativity and multi-media artists in the Bay Area through connections with our partner: Burners Without Borders.


Project HOPE Art is sponsoring three Haitian artists for a 5-week art internship at Recology. This internship will put our artists directly in contact with an American trash and recycling transfer station to forage and create a sculpture based on transformation. This is the style of art they make using discarded items from the streets of Port au Prince.


What is hosting?
Hosting means sharing your culture and hospitality with an artist. There are a wide variety of hosting opportunities from inviting an international visitor to your home for a family meal, to providing a place to stay during our month-long art internship program. You may also opt to invite our artists on an outing to Yosemite, roller skating, surfing, to visit an art museum or film screening.


How do I sign up to host?
We have the following needs:
-1 week Home Stay
-2 week Home Stay
-4 week Home Stay
-Activity Invitations

Simply fill in this form and our Visiting Artist Coordinator, Jenni Ward will be in touch to confirm details and answer questions. beauty to find beauty.

You may also leave feedback, [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Over 300 Art Trading Cards for Haiti

We’d like to send out a big thank you to everyone who responded to our Art Trading Card Drive. Over the past several weeks we have been getting some of the sweetest cards with messages in our mailbox, and right now have over 300 to deliver to Haiti in July. We’ll pass them out to as many children as we can, along with everyone’s best wishes. Thanks so much, and if anyone else wants to participate, please drop them in the mail by July 1st. To download the details, click HERE.

Photography Class in Port-au-Prince Haiti

Project Hope Art Photo Program 2013

The Project Hope Art photo program will last for 16 weeks and started on Sunday 28 April in PHA Center at Haiti Communitere in Haiti. 12 participants were registered, 10 were present.

By Romel Jean-Pierre:
Week 1:

The first assignment in class was to capture motion. Here students participate in an upcycled materials Can Race.
The first assignment in class was to capture motion. Here students participate in an upcycled materials Can Race.

The course started with an introduction from the students for them to get to know each other,  then we started with the first topic of the course: an historical introduction of photography, starting with the invention of photography through the invention of cinema to the current technology with digital camera. The participants then learned how to use a digital camera:  how to shoot a moving body, and basic techniques to adjust the light and framing. Then each students had the opportunity to practice their new skills later that day by photographing a fun tin can recycled car race which was happening at Haiti Communitere and also to photo-document a ecological tours of the resource center.


Week 2:

The second class started by a short reminder of photography basics including principles of framing and lighting. The students then auto-analyzed the pictures they took during the precedent week’s class and were able to understand the importance of a good lighting and framing for a good picture.


On that day we had the chance to have the visit of an art therapist from San Francisco: Nathalie Brochstein. Despite the language barierre, she has been able to connect and communicate with the participant to the photography class, bellow you can find a report she wrote:

Session Summary.

Expressive Arts Session #1

Exercise 1 – Guess the emotion

Description;The group is split into pairs. One member of each pair moves to the side and is given the name of an emotion. Their partner then tries to guess what emotion they are expressing.

Goal;Identify emotions and warm up for movement based self expression.

Observations;Important to notice what emotions are move difficult to express than others.

This was followed by a check in where each member expresses the emotion they are current feeling

.* Good idea to start each session with an emotional check in so we know what the member brings with them and express it to the group.

Exercise 2 – Freeze movement with music

Description;The group is instructed to walk around as music is played. When the music stops they freeze and look at each other.

Goal;Moving to music is an excellent way to free up movement, warm up and helps the individual get comfortable moving within the group.

Observations;The location was too hot to continue this exercise long. Interesting to note that the group tended to join and physically connect. Important to note which group members move more easily in front of others, what movements they choose to express and repeat. What pace music they are freer with and what pace makes them uncomfortable. Important to note placement of members in the group. Who is in the center and who moves away. Interesting to try this again with local music that has more bass/rythm.

Exercise 3 – Pass the Movement

Description;The group stands in a circle and we pass movements to each other.

Goal;This exercise is aimed at moving and expressing ourselves in front of each other. This allows an individual to be seen and express themselves to the entire group.

Observations; Observe who passes to whom, how the movement is received and given. Size of movements and symbolism.

Exercise 4 – Situations Description

;The group then acted out situations in pairs and then as a group.Goal;This is builds the individuals courage to express themselves in front of a group and dive into understanding of situations and emotions.Observations;What situations were comfortable to them and how they played them. Here full stories began to unfold.

* Interesting to note that the role of the policeman was immediately to arrest someone.The session ended with a check in where each member expresses the emotion they think they will be feeling this evening.)

Nathalie Brochstein

In conclusion we can say it was a therapeutic day!

A bientot!!


Week -3

For the third course, Nathalie Brochstein, our art therapist started the program with exercises that help children to externalize. We then started the photography class by reviewing the pictures taken during the last session. Practical exercises to further accentuating the different plans and the various shots and the story telling. During the day the children were not only able to learn photography but they could thrive with the art therapy session, which helps them to be more creative and the discharge of stress in their daily lives. Thank you to Nathalie Brochstein for lending us a hand.

Nathalie’s report:

We had a wonderful session today.After the photo lesson I spent one hour with the children.

The first exercise was a check in. The group was divided into 3 pairs.

In each pair one child would explain how they are feeling to their partner and their partner would act out the feeling to the group.

Objective:This is used as a warm up and to check in and see how each person is doing. It also helps us identify and associate facial expressions and body language with internal emotions.

The second exercise is called inside/outside

Each person took a piece of paper and folded it in thirds.On the outside they drew how they would like to be seen in the world. On the inside they drew how they see themselves. Their internal feelings and how they see themselves.After 20 minutes of drawing each participant presented to the group.The drawings were powerful all members participated.

Objective:Assist in identifing emotions, how they want to be seen and how that effects them as individuals. Also a good exercise for presenting in front of others.


Week -4   

All the students were excited to spend Flag day (one of the major national holiday) day) studying with us. After a quick therapeutic session, we worked on the storytelling and practiced with the cameras on different point of views. Each students wrote a short description of how they planned to use the camera during the week. We are really excited to see the result next week!

Week-5 STORYTELLING part one .

For this class the student was have to: (Decide on a story to tell with photos, showing the class or something that happens at their house every day. Choose the best 10 photos and write a 2-3 sentence caption for each photo. they have to finish with a succinct story showing something simple that happens in their home. )


For this class everyone was on time *as usual and with a smile,we began by hearing each student talking about their week, and their prospective for the next weeks. it was really amazing to see how they were unpatient to come to class every Saturday to learn more of photography, but for me the most amazing how they are hunting to learn something new that they  not able to receive at their school. * for those who goes to school.

Week-6 Storytelling Part two 

For the part 2 of the storytelling the student was have to:(Read a newspaper. Find a news article that interests them. Shoot a photograph that could replace the original image accompanying the news story in the newspaper. Bring the photo and the newspaper to class.) But unfortunatly most of them are not a level to read and understand really well an article in a news paper 🙁 , so i was have to read and explain some article for them during the class and ask them take a photo who can better accompanying the article .  And to be more effective i was invited the Belgian journalist  Virginie Lejeune from , to explain them how to choose the photo to complete an article

3-June5  2-June5

As usual the class was so well..

Week-7 Revision

For this class we made revision on storytelling,various kind of shooting photos. we make photoshoot for everyone and it’s was so fun

.Christopher Dragon (3)Pierre Bergena (4)Eugens (1) Fritzny (3) Julio (2) Junior (2) DSC_0448 macdaline (3) wildo (9) Wolson (4)DSC_0881 DSC_0888 DSC_0891 DSC_0898