The Project HOPE Art Art + Music Lab is alive and thriving, celebrating the joy of song, movement and sound with Haitian children in Port Au Prince. Last November 2014, The Project HOPE Art Team brought down three giant suitcases filled to the brim with donated instruments- ukeleles, guitars, melodicas, horn instruments, a keyboard, recorders and drums- for the students to learn with! The children were thrilled at the sight of the array of instruments, and during the first music class, each student had a chance to hold, play and experiment with each new instrument, and began practicing together on basic drum and recorder tunes. And man! Do these kids have rhythm! Every student is allowed to take home their very own recorder to practice on, while the remaining instruments stay at the art center for everyone to share for the duration of the music class.
The Rythmn and Recycling Workshop, led by artist Rachel Znerold and Haitian musician Gueldy René, and supported by PHA founder Melissa Schilling and PHA Technology Teacher Christine Rosacranse, kicked off the Music Class with back-to-back weekend workshops in late November. Using recycled materials, from t-shirts and trims to bottle caps and buttons, each student constructed a musical costume that made a joyful noise with every stomp, shimmy and shake. The students practiced drawing and painting their favorite instruments, and using tin cans and pebbles, the students even constructed their own handmade percussion instruments, and adorned them all using glitter and paint.
During the second weekend, local musician Gueldy René wrote a new song for the children, who learned the song and dance routine by Rachel Znerold that same afternoon. They students caught on quickly, adding their own flair to each movement, and the very next day, complete with musical costumes and choreographed dance moves, the Music Class performed together for the first time ever at the Project Hope Art Graduation Ceremony for the Gardening Class. PHA Artists Sarah Boll and Liz Ancker were on the scene to create a festive Graduation Party, bursting with the energy of all the people, plants, art, music, and dance! The performance was a great success and the music class was buzzing with the excitement of creating music together.
Now, each Saturday, the students come from orphanages and schools throughout Port Au Prince to the Music Class at The Project HOPE Art Center to be taught by Gueldy, Juré and Winter– it is a weekly chance to escape to a beautiful community center to practice their instruments, learn how to read music, share the joy of song and enjoy a healthy meal together every week. Thanks to our generous donors, Project HOPE Art is able to provide weekly music classes for these students for the next several months, but we need your continued support to help the music and learning grow through the end of the year! If you can help, please DONATE NOW!!
- Our PHA Music Class Team in Haiti: Melissa Schilling, Rachel Znerold, Christine Rosakranse, Sarah Boll, Liz Ancker, Gueldy Rene, Luc Winter, Esnold Juré
- Musical Instrument Drive:
DRUMMM– A TON of awesome percussion instruments
Zenzi PR– 2 Ukelele’s, a keyboard, 6 harmonicas, 2 melodicas, music books, metronome, strings, instrument cases
Panic Is Perfect– 3 guitars, a variety of percussion instruments, clarinet
- Donor Dinner Contributors: Rara Tou Limen Dance Company, Chef Pierre-Richard Leurbourg, Peter Hudson, Young in the Mountains, Jardiniere, Go Pro Camera, San Francisco Ballet, Melissa Schilling & Fanel Duce, Rachel Znerold, Joy Eisenhauer, Crunch Gym, Nataliya Tyaglo, Duviv Gardens, Becky Borman of Edo Salon, Making The Drop Surf Lessons, Chow Restaurant, , Traci Piper, Adriana Bessa Zumba, Motor Arzt, Blythe’s Botanicals at Community Herbalist, Bonny Doon Vineyards, Beauregard Vineyards, Owen Roe and Rosenthal Consulting Group
- Music Class Operating Costs (Teacher Salaries, Food and Transportation for the Students, Facilities Fee): The California Foundation for the Advancement of the Electronic Arts (who sponsored 3 months of classes!!), Left Coast Power Yoga, Carla Tutu of Tutu Tuesday, Ashley and Brian Howell, Jeny Smith of, Rose Talbot, Karin and Dick Eberhardt
- Supplies:– Tutus, Cleanwell– Hand Sanitizer
- All of our AMAZING Project Hope Art Volunteers, Ladies-Arm Wrestlers, Dress-Makers and Supporters!!
- Photography: and PHA teachers

“I can’t find words to explain my gratitude to you, thank you…. Thanks for all the support, I hope when I play, that will make your ears fun!” -Luciano
“Thank you to Rachel, Melissa and Gueldy! With their help now I reading to play guitar.” -Wilka
Help Keep the Music Alive!!! DONATE NOW to Project HOPE Art!