Author: fatatis

THE DESIGNER I am Fanel Duce, I was born in ​Port-au-Prince Haiti in February 1983. I have lived in Grand Rue since the year 1984. I grew up in a house with my mom and my dad, My mom died in 1995 in a murder, but after the death of my mother I was still living with my dad, I was still going to school, and was supported by my father. When I was finished with school classic, my father did not have the means to send me to university. The choice he made for me was to become a mechanic, It was one of the best ways in the ghetto to make money. Finally I did not love my dad’s mechanical choices made ​​for me, so I began looking for other ways to create so I could take care of myself. I grew up in the ghetto with a lot of bad temptation and also a lot of creativity, between these two choices I had to pick up one. And this is this choice I take in 2004, to make me become the person I am actually, An artist. And now I am working with Project HOPE Art. It feels so good. Contact Fanel Duce:

2013 – Winter LUC


Mwen se Winter Luc.  Mwen se yon  ajan sosyal. Mwen gen eksperyans nan domèn sa yo: sanzibilizasyon ak mobilizasyon kominotè, mwen travay nan plizyè gwoup ak enstitisyon kominotè.  Mwen se Benefisyè Pwogram PROJECT HOPE ART depi nan lane 2010 ak timoun nan lekòl kominotè ke mwen te kreye nan zòn Cité Soleil (Bwa Nèf) depi nan  ane 2007.  Epi Mwen se Kòdonatè tou RAJEPRE, yon òganizayon kominotè Ayisyèn.


Depi entegrasyon nou jiska ane  2013 la, nou te fè anpil anpil aktivite ak Pwojè tankou:

–          Anpil aktivite Art (Desen, Koloryaj ak kreyativite ak timoun lekol RAJEPRE yo)

–          Anpil aktivite lekti ak bèl istwa mèveye ak inovativ

–          Aktivite sansibilizasyon ak plantasyon Benzolive (Moringa)

–          Selebrasyon twazyèm anivèsè tranbleman tè douz Janvye a:  (eskilti)

–          Patisipasyon timoun RAJEPRE nan kals fotografi

–          Patispasyon timoun RAJEPRE nan klas Anglè

–          Akizisyon materyèl pou itilizasyon teknoloji ak medya sosyal (Laptop, Iphone)

Aktivite nou prevwa fè pou ane 2014 la

–          Pwojè klas Jaden pou 8 mwa nan Haiti Communitere

–          Elvaj ak gatinaj lapen

–          Elvaj Pwason

–          Aktivite atistik ak kanaval: Let there be  Light

–          Eksperimantasyon ak miz anplas yon jaden lavil ak ti pepinyè nan HC

–          Gradyasyon pou klas anglè ak fotografi

–          Ak anpil lòt aktivite ak inivativ (Klas Mizik)


2013 – Fanel DUCE


Mwen rele Fanel DUCE ! Mwen fe pati gwoup atis rezitans .Sa gen deja 10 mwa depi kek koleg ki andan ati Rezistans te  refere mwen ak Project Hope Art . Mimi san prantan te asepte ke mwen ofri sevis mwen ak Prorject Hope Art, ke mwen  konsidere kom yon oganizasyon k’ap fe yon travay inpotan nan sosyete Ayisyenn nan.

Pou Ane 2013 la, mwen te reyalize kek travay ak Project Hope Art. Tankou : Can race,  an kolaborasyon avek menm koleg sa yo. Nou te fe fomasyon pou timoun yo, sou reyalizasyon  Machine a mamit . Mwen gen proje klas angle pou ti fi k’ap mache e ki pwal rantre nan gradyasyon pou komansman 2014 la.


Pou ane 2014 la mwe gen pou mwen fe gradyasyon pou klas fotografi ak klas angle pou timoun yo. Mwen konte patisipe  nan proje klas janden Luc winter a, pou yon kou desen. Epi mwen kom proje refe yon lot klas angle  kap gen ni ti fi ,ni gason jis pou plis timoun benefisye.mwen gen kek lot proje anko ,mwen jis ap pran yon tan pou reflechi e we nan ki pwen pou reyalize yo ak Projet HOPE Art.

