There is life changing magic in tidying up. De-cluttering, giving things away, simplifying and taking a step back to see what is necessary and what simply takes up space. As the London Times puts it, sometimes “something is quietly profound: that mess is often about unhappiness, and that the right kind of tidying can be a kind of psychotherapy for the home as well as for the people in it … Its strength is its simplicity.”
So guess what?!
We’ve unloaded our beautiful art center at Haiti Communitere. For 2015 we packed up our art essentials and brought them to our favorite girls orphanage to store in rainbow cabinets. And our gardening supplies now live at Rebuild Globally, just waiting for our Gardening Class relaunch.
Instead of paying $500/month in rent. We are paying just $25 a month.
We’ve downsized, simplified and are going back to our roots.
While we have downsized our stuff. We are gearing up to maximize our impact. We have many classes, workshops, partnerships and artist internships up our sleeves for 2015 and 2016. Please stay with us in the coming years. So many beautiful children, teachers, community leaders and artists depend on your support to keep Project HOPE Art flourishing.
We operate on just $10,000 a year.
Please consider making a donation so our wheels keep spinning, our lights keep flashing, our paint brushes keep splashing color and our speakers keep boldly blasting beats!
Joyeux Noel, Tout Moun!