New Headquarters!

“Oh, but anyway, Toto, we’re home. Home! There’s no place like home!”

Unlike some of the bigger Non-Profits working in Haiti, we’ve never used donor money to purchase an all-terrain Land Rover.
(We use public taptaps or splurge on thrilling mototaxis)
KraftworksBldg-2 We have never treated volunteers to expensive three martini lunches.
(All of our volunteers pay for their own meals on the ground in Haiti) And we try to use free trash as the basis for most of our projects.
(Though we admit we love twirling in brand new tutu’s on occasion)

Really what we’re trying to say is that we are extremely budget conscious. Transparency is the name of the game. If you donate $20 we’ll tell you how we spent it. So it’s kind of a big deal to announce that we have rented a teeny little office space to store files, donations and supplies.
(Yay! No more dark garages filled with spiders and scampering rats.)

For the first time Project HOPE Art has an administrative homebase in the US.
You can find us in the ground floor, corner office space of the old Kraft Cheese Factory Warehouse, commonly called the Kraftwork Building where Oakland meets Emeryville.

Our new mailing address is 2601 Adeline Street, Suite 101A-Project HOPE Art, Oakland, CA 94607


We need a few things to fill out our office space:
-Letter-Sized Hanging File Folders and Folders
-2 Floor Lamps
-Comfy couch/chaise lounge/arm chairs for visitors!
-Rolls and Reams of Paper for printing artwork, photographs and event invitations
-Beads, glitter, feathers, string, twine, scissors, erasers, pencils, watercolors, oil pastels, construction paper and any other misc. art and craft materials!

Contact to make arrangements

Thank you in advance for your generosity to keep this project alive and kicking!