Tag: women

First day of English class for the girls

Saturday 17 August 2013, was the first day of English class for girls. Bengie was the teacher work with children on how to perform a simple greeting and showed them the English alphabet. So, everything went smoothly in the local HC (Haiti Communotaire) through a collaborative Art Project Hope.

See these photos so you can see how it was!!ImageImageImageImage

2013 *girls only* English Class

Our english class will run from August, 2012 through April, 2013, on Saturdays at the Project HOPE Art Center. The class is structured for girls and will be taught by a woman instructor from the English in Mind Institute.

Together, we are creating an opportunity for girls of different neighborhoods, backgrounds, education levels and ages to come together and learn a skill that will help them mature into smart young ladies.

The young ladies in the class range across five neighborhoods and span educational, income and resource levels. They are 11 to 22 years old. All incredibly motivated to learn english.

Support this Girls Only English Class with a tax-deductible donation, here.

Flying Hands Mural: Art is the Universal Language



When you work with kids, to give them a voice in an environment that is particularly harsh, crushing and potentially foreshadowing of hardship to come. It is important, in my opinion, to foster flying when possible. To rise above the hurdles and let them not hinder dreams and goals.


Our resident art teacher, Jenni Ward, brought down a large oiled drop cloth and paints. Teachers and Students alike decorated it with hand prints. Then the HOPE Art team doodled all kinds of things onto the mural, to inspire flying.

Our HOPE Art team doodled all kinds of things onto the mural, to inspire flying.


Flying pigs
you name it, we doodled it.


We'll be hosting an art show this Summer to show off our mural. The finished product is beautiful, but the process to achieve it is even more so.
