Category: Thank Yous

Homemade Sundresses for Haiti

Earlier this month, when Project HOPE Art was at Nadine’s orphanage in Port-Au-Prince, it became abundantly clear just how few clothes many of her girls have. The things they do own are very worn at best, some just barely holding together. HOPE Art would like to change this, with a personal touch, by starting a Homemade Dress Drive. We are inviting all seamstresses, beginner or advanced, to make one or more simple sundresses (our goal is 30) which will be hand delivered to the orphanage by the end of the year. This project is being aided by an online pattern company “oliver + s”, who has kindly agreed to let us use their free sundress pattern, which you can download HERE. This well designed pattern was used to create this little pink number, which is officially “Dress #1”. Now just 29 more to go. Please email me should you have any questions, and thanks in advance to all who take this on. Dresses may be sent to:

Project HOPE Art
PO Box 786
Aptos CA

Clean Well Donates Hand Sanitizers

Cleanwell_Logo-200x160 I sent out an email around 11pm last night, and I woke up to a response first thing this morning from Clean Well saying that they would be happy to donate 200 hand sanitizers.

They also mentioned they had several failed attempts to get donations into the hands of the people. Not sure if everyone is aware but shipping supplies to Haiti isn't really an option since there's a high chance that the goods would be intercepted and never seen again. Haiti is rampant with corruption and ranks very high on the global corruption index, see So much of the supplies and much needed medicines that have been donated to Haiti are sitting there at the airport, stalled, in the hopes that either the sender or the recipient will forget about it, and then sold for cash. So when they heard that we would be hand-carrying these items, they were more than willing to send us with some supplies.

Clean Well is not just another cleaning company. They believe in a better way to clean. Their products are all-natural containing thyme and essential oils, and kills 99.99% of germs without having to use harsh chemicals.

Thanks Clean Well for your generous donation.

The HOPE Art Team

We are officially FUNDED!

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Within a few hours after our second meeting, we received word that we met our funding goal of $5,500. We honesty didn't expect to meet our goal so quickly, and with 18 days left fundraise, we are even more inspired to do as much as we can in the time we have before leaving.

With that said, we are looking to exceed our initial goal by $1,000, which will go towards a comprehensive first aid kit for the school, medical supplies, and additional art supplies. We are kicking around ideas for how we will use the most of our time in Haiti, along with Melissa and the rest of the Wings Over Haiti team, we are looking forward to making a difference in the community of Croix des Bouquets and Port au Prince.

Now off to figure out logistics – we have a lot of work ahead of us!

Your HOPE Art team,
Amanda, Melissa, Jacqueline, Jenni & Julie