bunny power!

In February 2014 we took a team trip to the mountains to learn about rabbit husbandry. Then we built our custom rabbit hutch and just yesterday filled it with bunnies for our weekly Gardening Class.

The entire Project HOPE Art team would like to thank Brian Peltz of ISEC, Inc. for single-handedly jump starting our new Bunny Rabbit Husbandry Program.

How Rabbits Can Save the World (It Ain’t Pretty) With no religious taboos against consuming bunny meat, the animal may be a key ingredient in the fight against hunger. It also can be raised grain-free. It is a fact universally acknowledged that rabbits reproduce at a rapid rate. But did you know that rabbit meat is kosher, halal and acceptable for Hindus who decline beef for religious reasons? All of that is good news for the world-wide war on hunger—if bad news for bunnies. Rabbits Over 1,700 Haitian rabbit producers now maintain some 1,250 rabbit facilities, Dr. Steven Lukefahr says, which are home to 32,650 breeding rabbits. rabbits community The program has grown by 142% in the last two years and has helped increase family income by an average of $19.95 a month per family with some producers seeing as much as $200 a month in income from meat sales, a significant boost in a country where the average annual family income is $1,700.
Read more: How Rabbits Can Save the World (It Ain’t Pretty) | Time Magazine (link: http://world.time.com/2012/12/14/how-rabbits-can-save-the-world-it-aint-pretty/#ixzz2lJ6EjQv5)

Meet our Students: http://projecthopeart.org/project-hope-art-center-at-haiti-communitere/gardening-program-and-the-art-botany-lab/2014-gardening-class/

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