Project Express Yourself


Project HOPE Art is proud to support performance artist Pamela Crawford and her Project Express Yourself via our Visiting Artist Program.  Her goal for her two weeks in Haiti with PHA partner organizations is to bring self and group expression to the children of Haiti through the art of Hooping.  Pamela will teach hooping skills that will culminate in a community performance at the end of her residency in Haiti.  This performance and the days leading up to it will be filmed for documentation.

This form of dance and exercise carries many physical, mental and emotional benefits.  In dance as a whole, children find ways to use movement for exploration, and to communicate ideas, issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. Adding a hoop to the foundation of dance not only has a fun and memorable impact on their childhood but throughout their life.

Help Pamela reach her goal by making a tax deductible donation via our Indiegogo campaign Project Express Yourself!