DONATE ONLINE NOW! send a paypal donation to: donations@projecthopeart.org
To Donate via Check: Please make checks out to Hope Art, Inc and mail to: Project HOPE Art, 2322 Humboldt Ave, Oakland, CA 94601. Please include a note that contains current contact information so that we can make sure you get a receipt for your donation. We are always open to accept donations, large and small. Thank you for your support!
How your donation helps:
$50 gives art supplies to a hospital $100 provides a classroom of students sketch books to keep a creative journal $250 employs local interpreters for our artists $500 offers the opportunity for orphans to learn a creative trade $750 buys an artist transportation from the US to Haiti $1000 supports “the frame”; what holds PHA together and keeps us creative
Creative ways to give:
Wish list Art Hearts Chocolate Bars Haitian Artist Murals Handmade Dress Drive Literacy Posters Cafe Press Gift Shop